Global Conferences Index (GCI)

Global Conferences Index (GCI) is an Open Access publication series dedicated to archiving conference proceedings dealing with all fundamental and applied research aspects related to education, social science, religion, psychology, law, economic, medicine and health and relevant science.GCI offers a wide range of services from the organization of the submission of conference proceedings to the worldwide dissemination of the conference papers. It provides an efficient archiving solution, ensuring maximum exposure and wide indexing of scientific conference proceedings.

Proceedings are published under the scientific responsibility of the conference editors.


All articles of these proceedings are submitted for indexing in Scholar Google, Microsoft Academic and Crossref.  Optionally we also submit to Clarivate Analytics and Scopus. Optionally we also submit to International Indexing. Note that in case you need information about the indexing of these proceedings, please check with the organisers of the conference as we cannot reply to messages received from participants.

Free access

In order to increase the visibility of its conference and of the papers of its participants, this conference has chosen to sponsor the on-line publication of the conference papers. Therefore, all conference papers can be read and downloaded for free, no subscription or other payment is required.


GCI adheres to the principles of Creative Commons, meaning that we do not claim copyright of the work we publish. We only ask people using one of our publications to respect the integrity of the work and to refer to the original location, title and author(s).


All articles have a digital object identifier (DOI). DOIs are standardised digital identities used across all major scientific publishers and are managed by CrossRef. DOIs guarantee a permanent Web-address of the article, no matter where it is physically stored. So, when referring to an article you can either use the traditional reference information (name of publication, volume, issue, etc.), or use the DOI. Many people now use both notations. More information on DOIs.


In case you wish to have a print copy of the proceedings and no print version is available at GCI ('ISBN print = none' in the above box)

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